© All-Russian National Academy of Mycology,
© A. Sergeev, 1999-2001
have lead us to SCIO |
On these pages we try to show you, why we may need SCIO.
One of current problems of onychomycosis is that with numerous
treatment modalities there is still no accredited therapeutic
guideline. Dermatologist is left on his own only with recommendations
from the manufacturers of antifungals.
For clinical assessment of onychomycosis clinicians still have
some expanding classifications, few advises and much more controversies
from different authors –- with no real utility for treatment.
The absence of generally accepted standard for clinical evaluation,
that may determe the treatment scheme, obscures the rational
approach to trials comparing clinical effectiveness of antifungals
in onychomycosis. With no standard approach to evaluation of
onychomycosis severity there is still a chance of comparing
cases with different severity. With no treatment guidelines
based on clinical assessment there is still a chance for administering
a known systemic treatment in a case where this regimen is inadequate
and for comparing the efficacy in such cases. Treatment of
onychomycosis still meets frequent failures. And we still
don't know how effective are modern treatments, really. |
this affects clinical trials? |